Casa Claret, Yaounde. In a bid to continue spreading the flame in the Congregation, especially in this jubilee year, the prefecture of formation of the Independent Delegation of Cameroon, under the supports of Fr. Theophile Parfet Yene, CMF, gathered about 100 students in the Curia – Casa Claret in Nkolbisson on the 1st of April 2024, for an intellectual banquet.
This gathering, which occurs twice each year, has become a tradition in Cameroon since 2017. Coming from three formation centers: Martyrs of Barbastro Philosophate, Anton Probst Noviciate and the Immaculate Heart of Mary Theologate, the students gathered for a moment of reflection and communion based on the apostolic exhortation Verbum Domini of Pope Benedict XVI. As Claretians, called to be listeners and servants of the Word of God, the conferences around the theme: “The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church”, proved to be very fruitful to all participants.

The presence of the major superior, Fr Jude Thaddeus Langeh, CMF and all the members of the council of the delegation further highlighted the importance of this activity. While addressing the students, Fr Jude insisted on the necessity of being rooted in the Word of God and not just taking the Bible as one of the many books in our library. To this effect, he pointed out three fundamental engagements:
“First, we need to deepen our own knowledge of the Bible. This means reading God’s Word regularly, meditating on it and taking part in Bible studies. Secondly, we need to share God’s Word with others. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as teaching catechism, leading Bible sharing groups, or simply witnessing to the impact God’s Word has had on our lives. Thirdly, we need to live the Word of God. This means putting the teachings of Jesus into practice in our daily lives by “loving God and our neighbor”.
It was also an opportunity for brothers to meet in the continuation of the joy of Easter. Postulants, novices, professed students, deacons and priests, were all happy to see each other and share the joy of the entire Congregation in the light of the celebration of the 175th anniversary of its existence. The following formators were present:
Fr. Theophile Okala, CMF, Fr Gideon Kometah, CMF and Fr Martin Herve Ndi Nkoumou, CMF from the Martrys of Barbastro philosophate, Nkolbisson.
Fr. Rodolf Mbida, CMF and Fr Casimir Mevoungou, CMF from the Anton Probst Noviciate in Ekali.
Fr. Theophile Parfet Yene, CMF, Fr Octave Soh Fonkou, CMF and Br Maurice Ndong, CMF from the Immaculate Heart of Mary Theologate, Ngoya.
Source: Fr. Melvin Ngwakongnwi Neba, CMF, in charge of audiovisual communication.