A Synodal Province, Rooted In Christ And Audacious In Mission

Jan 30, 2025 | Chapters & Assemblies, Fr. Rhoel Gallardo

Quezon City, Philippines. From January 22-29, 2025, the Claretian Missionaries of the Fr. Rhoel Gallardo Province gathered at the Claret Retreat House in Quezon City for their XVI Provincial Chapter. Presided over by the Superior General, Rev. Fr. Mathew Vattamattam, CMF, the Chapter brought together thirty-four delegates representing missions from the four countries of the Province (Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Australia).

The Chapter journeyed through the phases of Discovery, Dream, Designs, and Commitments, following the framework of the XXVI General Chapter. These stages were inspired by the transformation processes introduced by the XXV General Chapter: “a congregation going forth,” “being a community of witnesses and messengers,” and “men who adore God in the Spirit.” These themes echoed the Synod’s call to communion, mission, and participation, guiding the Chapter’s reflections and decisions.

The week began with the enthronement of the Bible, emphasizing the Word of God as the foundation of their discernments. A recollection led by Fr. Samuel Canilang, CMF, and a reflection on “The Conversion of Relationships” by Fr. General set a prayerful and synodal tone. The sessions addressed various aspects of governance, economy, formation, and the Province’s missionary priorities, with vibrant discussions and reports from mission prefects and resource speakers.

A highlight of the Chapter was the reelection of Fr. Amador C. Tumbaga, CMF, as Provincial Superior, alongside the election of consultors for key prefectures: Formation (Fr. Mauricio Ulep, CMF), Economy (Fr. Jose Julius Coching, CMF), Apostolate (Fr. Arvin Bellen, CMF), and Spirituality (Fr. Alejandro Gobrin, CMF).

The Chapter was not only an administrative gathering but a sacred moment of fraternity, prayer, and renewal. Inspired by the Holy Spirit and grounded in the Scriptures, the delegates embodied the essence of a synodal Province—characterized by authentic listening, shared decision-making, and fraternal collaboration.

The XVI Provincial Chapter concluded with a renewed commitment to the Claretian mission. Delegates departed with a unified vision, rekindled zeal, and steadfast hope, ready to face future challenges with courage and faith, trusting in God’s promise that “nothing is impossible” (Luke 1:37).

Source: Provincial Secretariat

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