A seminar on Claretian Spirituality in Tanzania

Jul 10, 2010 | St. Charles Lwanga, The Forge

Morogoro, Tanzania. A seminar on Claretian Spirituality was conducted at Martyrs of Barbastro Seminary Morogoro, Tanzania, from 21 to 26 May, 2010 for our missionaries working in East Africa.

This seminar which was organized as part of the on going formation of our young missionaries, was animated by Rev. Fr. Gonzalo Fernandez, General Prefect of Spirituality.

Claretian Missionaries working in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania participated in this renewal program. Fr. Gonzalo, the animator, presented various topics pertaining to our congregation and our spiritual patrimony.

He also presented the new general chapter document, Men on Fire with Love, within the background of the previous chapter documents and encouraged the missionaries to join hands with the congregation to put the recommendations into practice.

Other topics discussed during the seminar were Claretian Identity, Knowledge about and relationship with the Founder, communication as a means to communion, etc.. The last important topic was the presentation of the Forge program. He advised the missionaries to participate actively in The Forge Project in our Daily Life.

Fr. Gonzalo made the seminar very interesting with the help of DVD shows and power point presentations. Besides animating the seminar, he personally visited almost all our communities in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania.

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