A Not So Usual Celebration of the Feast of the Patron of the General Curia

Mar 20, 2020 | General Curia, General Houses

Rome, Italy. Far from the usual celebration of the Feast of St. Joseph, copatron of the Congregation and patron of the General Curia in Rome, the community and the General Government celebrated the feast in a different tone amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. In solidarity with the people who are suffering and seeking God’s help, the Curia opted to remember differently this “just man” who protected the Mother and Child from dangerous situations during their time.

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The day began with Lauds and guided meditation by General Secretary, Fr. Joseba Kamiruaga, CMF. Before midday, the members of the community, divided into two linguistic groups, reflected on the Gospel of Luke 12, 27-30, and shared one’s understanding, sentiments, and thoughts on COVID-19 and the current situation of Italy and the world.

A celebration of the Holy Eucharist together with the members of the Parioli Community of Sanctus Paulus Province took place midday in the community chapel. Father General presided and spoke of the boldness of St. Joseph in protecting the baby Jesus and his Mother during turbulent times, and how he accepted the situations that he has had to pass. He invited everyone to look at his person as this current pandemic passes by in our present time. He remembered all the members of the Congregation named after St. Joseph, most notably those who are members of the General Government (Frs. Joseph Mbungu-Mutu and Joseba Kamiruaga, CMFF) and Fr. José Hernandez, CMF, Local Superior and Parish Priest of Parioli.

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Due to the lockdown implemented in all Italy, members of the two other General Houses, namely Claretianum and Juridicum, did not come together at the Curia as it used to be in the past years. No usual exposition/talk on the year 19th of March celebration. Instead, in the evening, the community connected through skype with its Local Superior, Fr. Vicente Sanz, CMF, who is in Spain and then proceeded with vespers.

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After dinner, at 9 in the evening, everybody joined online with the Pope and the whole Church of Italy in praying the Rosary organized by the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI) to invoke the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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