A new breath for the Claretian Bible Ministry in Congo

Jan 29, 2018 | ACLA, Bible Ministry, Congo

Kingandu, Congo. Since November 2017, Claretian Delegation in Congo has been experiencing a re-launching of the biblical pastoral. Traditionally, the method used was missionary-centred, that is, a pastoral with Claretians as principal agents. To decentralise this ministry, the Delegation has opted to include lay people as main agents by forming them in different methods of biblical interpretation and of evangelization.

The first experience took place, in October 10th, 2017, in St Paul’s catholic mission of Kingandu in the diocese of Kikwit, where Fr Joel Nkongolo gathered 19 lay collaborators, henceforth called Born to Evangelize, and introduced them to the general concept Bible ministry and presented a plan of action. Afterwards they had two sessions of formation in the months of November and January.  we have finished the first 3 months-phase of formation of agents of biblical pastoral (Born to Evangelize, BE). The aim was essentially to form them to be able to create BIBLE CIRCLES (CERCLES BIBLIQUES), small groups of 8 to 15 people to read, meditate, study and share the Word of God. The second trimester will see this process all over the parish and outstation

This is in response to our charismatic trait to be Listeners and Servant of the Word of God.  This new breath is intended to be a means of carrying out our work of evangelization in collaboration with the lay faithful and to multiply evangelisers through proper biblical training.  It is our hope that this programme will continue with the continuous assistance of the Fr Henry Omonisaye,CMF- the General Consultor in charge of Biblical Ministry in the Congregation.

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