May 11, 2021 | Formation, School of the Heart of Mary

Rome, Italy. From April 6 to May 7, 2021, the English edition of the School of the Heart of Mary for formators was held in response to the requirements of our last two General Chapters, which explicitly speak of the preparation of formators as an important part of ensuring the formation of our students.

Formators who have not had the opportunity to attend the formators’ course in Vic and who have not visited the places linked to the life of our Father Founder; the new formators of the Congregation who have recently been appointed to this ministry and who have been assigned by their respective Major Organisms to prepare themselves for this purpose have participated in this course.

Even though this virtual modality has been complex, it has been very gratifying and enriching to count on the contributions of several confreres, in charge of animating different topics, namely:

  1. Claret and his Autobiography: Jesudoss (Major Superior of Chennai)
  2. Process of interculturality: Joseph Callistus (Major Superior of Deutschland)
  3. Constitutions: Gonzalo Fernández (Vicar General and General Prefect of Spirituality)
  4. History of the Congregation: Carlos Enrique Sánchez and Sebin Mundackal (Center of Claretian Spirituality, Vic).
  5. General Plan of Formation (GPF): Joseph Mbungu (General Prefect of Formation)
  6. Historical context of the Martyrs of Barbastro: Antonio Reynante Alcántara (Community of Barbastro)
  7. Word of God: Henry Omonisaye (General Consultor)
  8. Justice, Peace and Integration of Creation: Vincent Anesthasiar (General Secretary of JPIC)
  9. Principles and Criteria for Vocational Discernment: Carlos Verga (General Prefect of Youth and Vocation Ministry)
  10. Leadership and teamwork: Mathew Vattamattam (Superior General)

The methodology used during the whole month allowed the study of the Claretian charismatic sources; the integration of study with personal interiorization through reflections and prayers; personal accompaniment; training in formative interventions and the exchange of experiences and cultural richness.

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Claretian Formators Course Kicks Off in Vic, Spain

Claretian Formators Course Kicks Off in Vic, Spain

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