Mar 22, 2021 | Formation, San José del Sur

Argentina. On the eve of St. Joseph’s Day, March 18, the renewal of vows of eight Claretian students of the Province of San José del Sur took place.

One of the ceremonies was held in the city of Córdoba, in which students of the Formative Community Rhoel Gallardo and others who reside in El Tambo renewed their vows, in the stage after their Apostolic Community Experience (ECA). Fernando Kuhn, and the Prefect of Youth and Vocation Ministry, Fr. Jorge Cóceres.

Meanwhile, in the city of Buenos Aires, in the parish of the Heart of Mary in the neighborhood of Constitución, Ezequiel Takaya also made his renewal of vows, accompanied by the Provincial Superior, Fr. Mario Gutiérrez and the Prefect of Apostolate, Fr. Jorge Cóceres.

We join in congratulating each of them and pray for their fidelity to the vocation they have received.

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