Rome. September, 14, today, feast of the exaltation of the Holy Cross, after spending the day resolutely to approve the chapter document, the chapter members went to the chapel to celebrate the Eucharist presided by Msgr. José Rodríguez Carballo, OFM, Secretary of the CIVCSVA.
During the homily, he thanked, first of all, Fr. Josep Abella and the members of the general government who concluded their period of the government. He thanked in a special manner, his closeness and service to the Congregation and Religious Life in general. Followed by this, he felicitated Fr. Mathew Vattamattam CMF and the members of the recently elected Council of the General Government. He reminded them that the authority, inspired in the Gospel, is the synonym of service (Diaconia) and this must be carried out from the position of the slave or servant (Dulos). The authority demands concrete signs, like the attitude of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples.
The authority in Religious Life and in the whole Church has the mission of listening and discernment. In the listening, the servant must allow the word of the brother to touch the heart, particularly when he entrust his personal life situation. The discernment, on the other hand, invites to journey with the brothers so that they may discover together from dialogue the will of God.
Citing other responsibilities of the Superior General, Provincial or Local Superior are, to be the living memory of the Gospel between his brothers and safe guard the charism inherited from the Founder, he concluded.