Spain. 03.02.2010: In the Holy Eucharist, presided over by Fr.Gonzalo there was an invocation of the Holy Spirit to the Chapter members that they could have a successful choice of Fr. Provincial and his Council members- the Provincial Government. At 9.30 am the first session began.
Fr. Maxim Muñoz read the messages that have arrived on these days. Fr. Josep Roca read report of the previous day and made a few clarifications. The president did the clarification on procedures we needed to follow to elect a new Provincial, given in the Constitution and the Directory. We decided that that the members of the Chapter elect the new Provincial.
Then we proceeded to the election of the new Provincial. Fr. Gonzalo invited us to sing the Veni Creator Spiritus. And there was a reading about the qualities required for a Provincial Superior from the Directory and then the election. There was a huge applause of the Chapter members after being accepted the election result by Fr. Maxim Muñoz.
The President called us to the crypt of Fr. Claret, where, P. Màxim took up the office as the new Provincial. The morning session came to an end.
The afternoon session began. It was the time to elect the Consultors who form the provincial Government for the coming six years and the result was:
Fr. Josep Armengol Torrent, Consultor-Prefect of spirituality and formation
Fr. Roca Josep Alsina, Consultor- prefect of apostolate
Fr. Ramon Olomi Batlle, Consultor-prefect of the economy.
The fourth session was along with some of the invited Lay Claretians, with whom we share dreams and hopes, especially who are with us in the schools and parishes. They shared their joys, hopes and worries and we had a fraternal dialogue on the different questions concerning the present post modern society and the Church. Mr. Esteve Llonch, Mr. Albert Colomer, Ms. Dolors Serradell , Ms.Teresa Grau ; Ms. Conxita López, Ms.María Dolors Boix, Ms. Joan Masferrer, Ms. Concepció Panadell, Ms. Rosa Sallés, Ms. Flora Bastardas, Ms. Conxita Puntí Ms. Josefina Casals were some of the representatives. We had the Evening Prayers along with these lay people and later the dinner.
The day concluded with a few entertaining programs prepared by the animation group- Frs.Ramon Caralt and Joan Font.