Help for those infected with AIDS and HIV in India

Apr 7, 2011 | Claret Publishing Group, Health Care

Peterborough, U.K. “The Evening Telegraph” newspaper of this city has published an article on the initiative of a priest who has headed-up the participation of his community to help with a project aiding women and children affected by AIDS and HIV in India.
Fr. David Jennings of the Parish of St. Peter and All Saints traveled to Bangalore to make available help for the project which is being led by the Claretian Missionaries.

The collection raised £1,600 taken in the collection at masses in his community on Sunday, April 3rd, where he made a call to contribute funds for nutritional meals and medicine which is distributed to the women and children at the Center.

Fr. David said: “I believe this is a wonderful testimony of the genersosity of the people of Peterborough which is thus expressed in their charity for such a noble cause.”

After handing-over the donation, Fr. David took advantage of the week to visit various villages close to Bangalore where the Claretians are also helping in the construction of schools and other facilities.

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