Rome. In the morning of June 28th Pope Benedict XVI received Cardinal Ángel Amato, Prefect of the Congregation of the Causes of the Saints, and approved the decree for the beatification of the Servants of God Manuel Borrás Ferré, Auxiliary Bishop of Tarragona and 146 Companions, martyred for hatred of the faith in the Spanish persecution between 1936 and 1939.
The following seven Claretians are part of this Cause, promoted by the Archbishop of Tarragona: Federico Vila, Jaime Mir, Antonio Vilamassana, Antonio Capdevila, Sebastián Balcells, Pablo Castellá and Andrés Felíu Bartoméu. The first three belonged to the Community of Tarragona and the four remaining to La Selva del Camp.
These seven martyrs will accompany the other group of Claretian martyrs of Sigüenza and Fernancaballero at the next ceremony of beatification of the Martyrs Spain of the XX Century, scheduled for end of October 2013, the end of the Year of Faith.