Encounter of Prefects of Formation, Guatemala (continuation)

May 16, 2019 | Congregation, Formation

Guatemala City, Guatemala. The activities of the third day of the Encounter of Prefects of Formation, Guatemala, began with the Holy Mass. The participants had three in-put sessions by Fr. Rodolfo Morales CMF, from Centroamérica Province, on ‘Discernment and Accompaniment’ in Formation. Before the sessions began in his orientation talk Fr. General highlighted a reflection that the Congregation should cultivate a culture of discernment at all levels of formation both initial and ongoing.

Fr. Rodolfo began his sessions quoting MS 75,2, “ We will make certain that the accompaniment during initial formation includes a personal meeting between each student and his formator to facilitate discernment and vocational growth”. He then focused his talks on three points, ‘How the accompaniment is perceived? How to understand accompaniment?(it is a service of listening , of mercy and hope), and the relationship of help in accompaniment.

In afternoon first session, the participants came in groups to discuss on the fundamental contents that must be treated in accompaniment. (They are: traits of personal maturity, Christian spirituality, the path of prayer, the instruction of affectivity and sexuality, the sense of community, critical and believing analysis of reality). The discussions were very fruitful and they presented the outcome in the plenary at 4 PM.

The last sessions of the day were to discuss the second and third chapters of the draft of the new GPF, the participants went through the chapters and discussed in the groups and in the concluding plenary they presented the feedbacks.

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