Rooted in Christ

Audacious in Mission

We dream of a pilgrim Congregation

rooted in faith in Jesus Christ and in Claretian spirituality.

We dream like Claret of a Congregation

that, following the example of Mary, treasures in its heart, fulfils and proclaims the Word of God.

We dream of a Congregation of Missionaries

who share our lives, diversity, and resources in communities shaped by the mission and ministries God has entrusted to us. We encourage and accompany one another as brothers through mutual listening, without excluding anyone.

We dream of a Congregation, audacious and itinerant,

that, sent by the Spirit of the Lord (cf. Lk 4:18; Acts 8:28, 39) goes forth towards the peripheries, approaches the youth, walks with them and encourages them to respond to the call of God.

We dream of a Congregation

that has as its starting point the biblical animation of all pastoral ministry (cf. VD 73), evangelises with all possible means in shared mission, interreligious dialogue, and the intelligent use of the various forms of communication media.

We dream of a Congregation

committed to universal brotherhood (Fratelli tutti), justice, peace and the care of the common home (Laudato si’). In a spirit of synodality, we collaborate with people of different cultures, ethnicities and religions for the transformation of the world in accord with God’s plan (cf. CC 46).

We dream of a Congregation

prepared to respond to new challenges through an integral and continuing process of formation, open to universal mission, according to the spirit and charism of our Father Founder.

General Government Holds Online Meeting With Major Superiors

General Government Holds Online Meeting With Major Superiors

In a significant online meeting, the General Government convened with the Major Superiors of the Congregation on Wednesday, March 26, 2025. The meeting, which commenced at 14:00, opened with a prayer. It was moderated by Fr Carlos Sanchez, CMF, who welcomed the...

St Jean Paul Ii, New Independent Delegation

St Jean Paul II, New Independent Delegation

After a long process of discernment and consultation, the request of the Major Superior of Polska, Fr. Piotr Beza, for the St. Jean Paul II Delegation to become an Independent Delegation was approved by the Superior General and his Council on March 24, 2025. This will...

Canonical Erection Of The Ave Maria Province

Canonical Erection of the Ave Maria Province

On March 25, 2025, Fr. Mathew Vattamattam, CMF, Superior General of the Claretian Missionaries, signed the decree that elevates the Indonesia-Timor Leste Independent Delegation to a Province. Henceforth, it will be known as the Ave Maria Province. The Ave Maria...

Celebrating The Feast Of St. Joseph At The General Curia

Celebrating the Feast of St. Joseph at the General Curia

Rome, Italy. On March 19, 2025, the Claretian community in Rome gathered at the General Curia to celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph, Copatron of the Congregation, Patron of the General Curia, and Patron of the Claretian Brothers. The event was marked by moments of...

Claretian Missionaries: Rooted in Christ, Audacious in Mission


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