Mons. Gustavo Manuel Larrazábal, CMF, elected, consecrated, determined to Adore, Journey, and Accompany the People of God

Jun 18, 2022 | Cardinals and Bishops, Ordinations, San José del Sur

Villa Krause, Argentina. On Saturday, June 18, 2022, at the UPCN Volleyball Stadium, Villa Krause, Province of San Juan, the episcopal consecration of Bishop Gustavo Manuel Larrazábal, CMF, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of San Juan de Cuyo, took place. The principal consecrator was Archbishop Jorge Eduardo Lozano, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of San Juan de Cuyo. The co-consecrators are Bishop Juan José Chaparro CMF, bishop of San Carlos de Bariloche; Archbishop Marcelo Daniel Colombo, archbishop of Mendoza; Bishop Carlos María Domínguez, O.A.R., auxiliary bishop of San Juan de Cuyo and Archbishop Alfonso Delgado, archbishop emeritus of San Juan de Cuyo. Six other bishops from Argentina were also present.

Msgr. Gustavo was born on January 31, 1961, in San José, in the Archdiocese of Mendoza. He made his First Profession in the Congregation of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on January 14, 1990, made his Solemn Profession on March 25, 1995, and was ordained a priest on July 20, 1996.

He has assumed the following positions: Vicar Provincial; Prefect of Economy of the Argentine-Uruguayan Province and Director of the Claretian Publishing House in Buenos Aires. Likewise, he also served in the Parish of St. George in Florencio Varela, Argentina. He became the Dean and Vice-Dean in the Archdiocese of Mendoza and, in 2021, he was appointed Delegate of Consecrated Life in the Archdiocesan Presbyteral Council. He was the rector of the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in the same archdiocese.

The motto chosen by Monsignor Larrazábal to guide his episcopal task is “Adore, walk and accompany“, the words of Pope Francis to the Claretian Missionaries during the audience with the Pope during the XXV General Chapter in 2015.

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