Spain. In Vic, on August 15, 2009, and with the simplicity that best fits Fr. Joan Sidera, the 75 years of his religious Profession was celebrated. On that same day, in Rome, the Claretians gathered in General Chapter also made him present in their prayers and in their loving remembrance. It could not be otherwise. This is very meaningful date for Fr. Joan, but also for the province of Catalonia and for the Congregation. This celebration presupposes a long course in which he must have maintained and revived the gift he received from the Lord, which he expressed with those simple words “I offer and consecrate myself to God for all my life.” Would our society of today be able to adequately understand this?
On this August 15th, Fr. Joan Sidera personally renewed before his brothers in community his Profession before the Morning Praises of the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, with the same text, and in Latin, that he used 75 years ago. The community solemnly sang the Laudes before the Sepulchre of Father Claret, in thanksgiving for Fr. Joan’s “CMF 75”
The two Claretian communities of Vic: Missionary Sisters of the Claretian Institute and Claretian Missionaries shared the festive meal at noon in the Spirituality House. In the afternoon, in the 3rd floor chapel of the Spirituality House, the two communities also prayed the Rosary, a devotion to which Fr. Joan has always been faithful. The Rosary, combined with songs, was followed by the singing of Vespers of the feast of the Blessed Virgin. It was a ceremony very much enjoyed by all and fitted to the spiritual nature of Fr. Joan. A communitarian celebration of the Eucharist was not possible, because it was a feast the required ministerial dispersion by parishes and apostolates out of Vic .