50th anniversary of the claretian presence in Congo

Oct 5, 2011 | Anniversaries, Congo, Parish Ministry

Mitendi, R. D. Congo. Claretian Missionaries present in the Democratic Republic of Congo have opened the activities marking the 50th anniversary of the Congregation presence in the country by a solemn mass presided over by the General Vicar of the Diocese of Kisantu on Sunday, October 02, 2011 in the parish of Our Lady of Fatima of Mitendi, the last Claretian Foundation in the country.

On this same occasion, it was celebrated the Golden Jubilee of consecrated life of Father Franz Winkler and the Silver Jubilee of religious life of the fathers Michel Mambulau and Victor Misangamani together with Christians of this parish, those from the other claretians parishes, the Claretians sisters and the Claretian Lays.This Jubilee year opened will be closed on Sunday, October 07, 2012 in Kikwit, the first Diocese of presence Claretian in DR Congo. (Photos)

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