Lecco, Italy. From 9 to 12 April, the ongoing formation commonly known as “4×4” of the five communities (Parioli, Segrate, Lecco, Banchi Vecchi, Altamura) of the Delegation of Italy, was held at the Casa sul Pozzo, at Corso Bergamo 69, Lecco. It was facilitated by Fr. Angelo Cupini with the help of his collaborators.
On the first day, for the Lectio Divina, they were guided by Marco Vincenzi on the text of Luke 7:34 entitled “Ecco un uomo vorace e ubriacone, amico di pubblicani e peccatori” (Here is a voracious and drunkard man, friend of the publicans and the sinners) . Then they have shared their missionary and pastoral life experiences lived these past months.
The day after, Don Francesco Scanziani guided them in reflecting on the 3rd chapter of EG, underlining the importance of the Laity in proclaiming the Word, and was entitled: “tutto il popolo annuncia il Vangelo” (all people announce the Gospel). With Massimo Campedelli, gave them a workshop on “how we can share a charism and the right to speak in the community”. In the afternoon of that same day, Dario Consonni of the Associazione L’Altra Vita di Calolziocorte, guided them on the theme “node of the peripheries: communicating with adolescents and young people”. It was good to note that every day they were lucky enough to have the presence of lay people who with them listened to and shared the various programmed moments.