Nemi, Italy. September 6, 2021. With grateful hearts for the five hundred years of Catholic faith in the Philippines we celebrated the seventy-five years of Claretian presence in the archipelago. Both the moments of prayer and the beginning of the first session of the morning were filled with the faces of our brothers and sisters who share the life and mission in that territory.
After the reading and approval of the minutes of the previous day, we started a personal work of elaboration of commitments that would land in concrete actions the designs of God’s dream for the Congregation in the next six years. The fruit of this reflection was then synthesized into three group commitments for each of the seven designs of the congregational dream. Back in the capitular hall, the commission that is collecting and drafting what we shared together in plenary presented the drafting of the last design referring to initial and ongoing formation. The assembly made the contributions they considered pertinent and then proceeded to vote on the design.
The rest of the day, we worked again in seven groups with the objective of concretizing the commitments of each of the seven designs approved in the classroom. At the end of the day, we shared in plenary the great work of synthesis and elaboration of each of the groups, leaving some time for the capitulants to react to what they were hearing.
The day ended with a party organized by our Filipino brothers on the eve of the feast of the Virgin Mary.
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