Apr 13, 2021 | Institutes of Consecrated Life

The Theological Institute of Religious Life is organizing its 49th-50th National Week for Institutes of Consecrated Life under the title Consecrated for the Life of the World: Consecrated Life in Today’s Society. It will take place from May 17-22, 2021, in the days leading up to Pentecost. This year, exceptionally, it will be held online.

Taking as a starting point the realization that our times also need the living witness of people who give proof of the absolute of God, the 2021 Days of Consecrated Life propose us to look around us and to go out of our safety zone, opening our minds and hearts. We will be invited to analyze the values of today’s society from our condition as disciples and members of the People of God. We will ask ourselves what contributions we can make to the cultural thread of today, and how to continue responding evangelically to some of the challenges we face daily, such as migration and education for justice. We will respond to the call to actualize the mission of the Lord from our charisms, putting them in relation with the rest of the ecclesial vocations; especially with the family, as the center of social and Christian life. Once again, we will underline the importance of spirituality, understood as the core and driving force of our being and doing. All these dimensions will help us to rethink our consecration, our communion, and our mission.

In short, we will recall the prophetic identity of Consecrated Life, which makes it an evangelical leaven in the world. Its consecration to Christ leads it to give itself radically to build the Kingdom. Consecrated persons are called to put and give life in so many situations of death that lacerate the skin of the realities near and far.

In this link, you can consult the complete program and make the inscriptions.

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21st Sanyasa Seminar on Dignitas Infinita

21st Sanyasa Seminar on Dignitas Infinita

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